Case Study – Detection Services Pty

Discover the power of collaboration! TeamSolve is thrilled to present our latest case study video, highlighting our successful partnership with Detection Services Pty Ltd. This video shows how Lily™, our innovative Operation & Maintenance (O&M) AI Assistant, empowers engineers to handle a wide range of O&M tasks with ease. From complex maintenance to troubleshooting, Lily provides invaluable insights and guidance, improving efficiency and effectiveness. Our close collaboration with Detection Services Pty Ltd allowed for seamless integration of Lily™ into their corrective maintenance work on pressure and acoustic monitoring devices in Australia’s Gold Coast region.

Experience the comprehensive implementation process and the successful outcomes achieved together.

“We are delighted with the outcome of our collaboration with TeamSolve and the implementation of Lily™ as part of our corrective maintenance work in this project. Lily™ provided our engineers with insights and guidance, allowing us to complete the work more efficiently and effectively. We look forward to continuing our partnership with TeamSolve and exploring new opportunities to enhance our O&M capabilities”said Chris Evans, COO of Detection Services.

“Join us in this exciting case study, where we highlight how Lily™ empowers O&M operators to enhance performance and strengthen their businesses. We extend our gratitude to Detection Services for their collaboration, and we take great pride in the results achieved together” said Mudasser Iqbal, CEO of TeamSolve.

Watch our case study video and witness the transformative power of AI supported O&M efficiency for your business.