TeamSolve Featured in WWA: Knowledge Twin Implementation in Singapore

September 27, 2024
By leveraging generative AI, TeamSolve’s Knowledge Twin facilitates continuous knowledge transfer and provides access to both explicit and tacit knowledge. This innovation leads to streamlined operations and improved decision-making. Singapore’s Public Utilities Board (PUB) has experienced significant benefits through the implementation of the Knowledge Twin, including reduced manual tasks, more efficient maintenance, and real-time support for technicians—thereby boosting workforce productivity.
Key Benefits for Water and Wastewater Utilities Identified Through the Implementation with PUB:

  • Automated Reporting: Reduces manual workloads.
  • Real-Time Insights for Technicians: Provides immediate access to critical information.
  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Streamlines operations and minimizes downtime.
Read the full article in Waste & Wastewater Asia, September 2024, to learn more about how TeamSolve is assisting PUB.